The Need for Professional Development Programs for Educators
The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded accreditation status to all CORA courses. The online training curricula will now offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to individuals seeking to acquire or maintain professional licenses and/or certifications.
Why take IACET Accredited Courses
Any organization that offers CEU’s to learners must provide high-quality training and resources to learners and go through a rigorous accreditation process set by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training. Obtaining an IACET certification is a matter of pride for the organization offering professional development training programs. CORA is immensely proud of receiving IACET accreditation as a hallmark of our high-quality training for professionals from the education field. Now you can continue to enhance your skills and grow professionally by taking and completing our CEU accredited courses.
Why take Continuing Education with CORA
Whether you are taking continuing education for professional development or personal satisfaction, it is important to work with subject matter experts. We are a professional organization that offers online courses to help educators learn skills to enhance their ability to serve historically underserved students. Our curriculum is based on over 300 professional and academic publications and a combined 50+ years of research and experience in higher education.
About IACET:
The International Association for Continuing Education and Training is a non-profit association dedicated to quality continuing education and training programs. IACET is the only standard-setting organization approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for continuing education and training. The ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard is the core of thousands of educational programs worldwide.
IACET grew out of a National Task Force on continuing education commissioned by the U. S. Bureau of Education (now the Department of Education) in 1968. The ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard is based upon in-depth research on the learning process.
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To view all IACET accredited courses, please visit